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General Business Mastery Program

In House Company Analysis

  • Examine Production, Overhead, Redundancy, and Duplication. This complete analysis identifies the unique problems in each practice enabling customization of the Master Program to solve specific needs. Identify core objectives, prior goals, success of previous methods, and ensure no problem remains unsolved. Historically each business brings ‘new’ issues for our trainers to address.

Directing customer/team member relationships

  • Build trust in your workplace. In our ‘microwave society’ consumers believe their smart phone holds all the answers. This leads to impulsive and sometimes less than thorough decision making. Earn their trust, and you earn a chance of winning their future business.

HR Evaluation and Position Contracts

  • Individual team interviews and position contracts are critical for both employer and employee expectations. Develop, review, and agree. This eliminates confusion, and protects employees and employers from needless Labour Standards disputes.

Facilitative Communication

  • What/How/When you say it directly impacts your business generators
  • Service recovery paradox – turning ‘bad’ into ‘good’ and have your customer/client thank and refer your business

ProSales Order Acceptance

  • Discover the 5 Steps Never Taught in School and how they can add 1 Million to your production – Case Studies
  • Change involving sizable investment invites frustration and paralysis. Hone the skills with this interactive workshop to embrace it, and provide the freedom for your client to make their best overall decision.

Professional Systems Manual Development

  • Systems are used for all activities until they become rote. Management must follow suit. A minimum of 7 separate Systems Manuals will be created to ensure consistency in all business procedures.

Internal Referral Strategies

  • 90% of many business models rely on referrals, but virtually nobody has a system.
  • Identify and target type of customer you wish to ‘clone’, and area of distribution or service you wish to focus upon. Every single team member plays an important role in this area.

Collateral Material Critique /Ad Development workshop

  • ROI on every aspect of your marketing
  • Acquire the 10 point Ad Development strategy that provides a system to determine precisely how much traffic a piece will pull BEFORE you invest the money. 90% of Ads (like other industry ads) fail this test. Completion of this module will allow the team to write ad pieces for any new service they wish to offer.

Position Leadership and Accountability

  • Goal setting by individual and department, and discern the difference between Management and Leadership. Leaders who become self-managing in each job function both monitor and enhance performance. If it cannot be monitored it cannot be improved.

10 Point Business Development Review Workshop

  • Review all 10 aspects of Business Development
  • Combining all module strategies in everyday practice
Dental Professionals
Funeral Professionals
Mortgage Professionals